Allure Wax

Soy Container Blend

100% natural vegetable wax.
Made from non-GMO soybeans. Certified, confirming environmental friendliness and renewable resource. Safe for health and environment. Made in France.
Great burning characteristics.
Even and clean burning without soot. Does not produce black smoke while burning. Longer burning time compared to paraffin. Minimal wick crust formation.
Fantastic aromatic properties.
Excellent scent retention due to molecular structure. Good scent throw even at lower temperatures. Even fragrance distribution throughout the entire candle mass.

Melting point 44°-50°C (111°-122°F).

Allure Wax Soy Container Blend

Allure Wax

Soy Pillar Blend

Natural composition.
100% pure soy wax without GMOs. Vegan-friendly and produced through sustainable agriculture. Made in France.
Specialized for molded candles.
Specifically formulated for pillar/molded candles and wax melts. Clean burning properties with reduced soot and smoke emissions. Provides optimal scent throw for fragranced candles.
Professional grade quality.
Food contact safe. Compliant with european safety standards. Biodegradable and renewable resource-based.

Melting point 45°-54°C (112-129°F).

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Frequently asked questions

    • Where are Allure Wax products made?

      All Allure Wax products are made locally in France, from pure soybean oil. We are careful to ensure that the raw materials used to make our products are from local sources, eco-friendly and renewable.

    • Why do the wax pastilles and color may vary from batch to batch?

      There are several factors that affect pastille size. The speed at which the pastillator operates can affect the size of the pastilles. If the machine runs at a slower speed, the pastilles tend to be larger. We use multiple machines and there may be slight variations depending on the specific machine used.

    • Where can I buy Allure Wax?

      Our waxes are available from local distributors of candle making materials in France.

    • How should I store your waxes and what is the expiration date on your waxes?

      Always keep wax and your candles at room temperature or below. Keep the wax and candle dry and out of high humidity places. The expiration date is 1 year from the date of manufacture.

    • Can I pour pillar candles from container wax and vice versa?

      No. Pillar wax is designed to pull away from the sides of a mold, therefore it will most likely pull away from the sides of a container.

    • Why did the fragrance oil end up at the bottom of the candle or at the top of the candle?

      If the wax is not hot enough, the fragrance may not dissolve and some of it may settle on the bottom of your jar or candle. This can result in poor or inconsistent fragrance release. If the wax is at the optimum temperature, the fragrance will be evenly distributed throughout the wax, ensuring a consistent hot and cold throw.

    • How do I avoid frosting when using container wax?

      Frosting is a by-product of natural wax and is caused by the growth of tiny crystals on the surface of the wax. All soy waxes will frost over time, but frosting is purely aesthetic and does not affect the way your candle burns or smells. The best thing you can do is to preheat your glassware! Pre-heating your glassware can help to reduce the rate and extent to which your soy wax candles may freeze.

    • How much fragrance oil do I need to add to the melted wax?

      The recommended fragrance load is typically 10%, though this can be adjusted higher or lower based on desired scent strength.

    • What is the difference between container wax and pillar wax?

      Container wax is softer and designed to adhere to containers like jars and tins. Pillar wax is harder and formulated to hold its shape independently, making it ideal for free-standing candles and wax melts that need to be removed from molds.